
Continuing our series of interesting, sometimes fascinating, sometimes rather unusual, facts about Aberdeen and North-East Scotland.

  1. Although the UK’s oil industry is centred on Aberdeen we’re also quite green. The world’s first floating offshore wind-farm is just off the coast of North-East Scotland and started to deliver energy at the end of last year.
  1. We have written about some of them in a previous blog but if you are into castles then you will be spoilt for choice in Aberdeen. We have over 300 in the North-East – more than anywhere else in the British Isles per acre.
  1. If you have children and wonder what there will be to entertain them in Aberdeen then fear not. There is lots to do, including the largest permanent funfair in Scotland.
  1. Also, if you have kids and are worried about their safety (not to mention your own) then let us reassure you it is indeed a safe place. It’s also a very friendly place and cccording to recent research by Provident Personal Credit, 70% of people in Aberdeen say they have a strong sense of community and 76% say they are friendly with their neighbours.
  1. Aberdeen is a very arty city. Not only do we have , we also have lots of street art, much to the surprise of this writer from the Independent newspaper!

Julie Skinner, Resourcing & Benefit Specialist