This is the last, for now, of our series of interesting, sometimes fascinating, sometimes rather unusual, facts about Aberdeen and North-East Scotland. We hope that we have painted a picture of a bright, vibrant and prosperous city. That’s because it is – and if you are looking for your next career move then we suggest you should certainly look northwards, and especially towards Robert Gordon University!

  1. Do you feel lucky? We could add “punk” and then tell you about the North-East’s staggeringly successful “Punk Brewer” – Brewdog in Ellon, but rather we’d like to inform you that if you are seeking to make your fortune then the North-East seems to be quite a good place to do so. The AB postcode is in the top five in the UK for creating National Lottery millionaires.
  1. Lots of famous people come from Aberdeen. Just to give you a sample, how about Denis Law, Manchester United and Scotland footballer (still Scotland’s joint record goalscorer) or singers Annie Lennox and Emile Sande, or Open Golf Champion Paul Lawrie, not to mention, which we’re about to, a rather famous poet called Lord Byron…
  1. moon-1859616_1280
    We have all seen the moon, but did you know that the first person ever to take a photograph of it was the Scottish astronomer, Sir David Gill, who was born Aberdeen?
  1. Finally, this is one of my favourite facts about Aberdeen… In 1808, the entire fishing village of Footdee (Fittie) was moved. This was partly to allow the main Aberdeen Harbour to be expanded and partly because the Fittie residents actually wanted it to happen!

Julie Skinner, Resourcing & Benefit Specialist