Nkemdilim Udeokoro

Name: Nkemdilim Udeokoro

Job Title: Lecturer

What does your job at RGU involve?
Teaching and research

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
The University’s high ranking in Scotland, and its hybrid working policy.

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living?
I would probably be working in the supply chain industry, solving supply chain problems using analytics.

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire?
Union street in the city centre. I love shopping.

Best holiday you’ve had and why?
Took a trip to Dubai with my family, and got a chance to let my hair down, relax, and be taken care of.

Favourite TV show?
Suits on Netflix

Favourite band/music?
Gospel music

If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?
Chicken Caesar salad

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do?
I would work towards digitalizing the annual EPR process. Secondly, providing morenursery places (childcare) on campus (or expanding the capacity of the existing one) specifically for children of members of staff.