You can’t do much better than Stonehaven as a place to live, Croatia is a blast and you can’t do much better than pizza on a night out at a restaurant… all will be revealed below!

Name: Emma McBoyle

Job Title: Lecturer in Physiotherapy 

What does your job at RGU involve? 
Teaching and supporting students looking to become qualified Physiotherapists on both the applied Masters (4 year) and Pre-Registration MSc (2 year) courses. 

What attracted you to come to work at RGU? 
I was a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy graduate at RGU in 2017 and had a positive experience during my 4 years as a student. I felt well supported by knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff and identified with the university’s values. I loved being on such a beautiful campus with plenty of facilities and resources available to staff and students. Throughout my career as a qualified Physiotherapist, I gravitated towards teaching and supporting newly qualified staff and students; so, when the job opportunity at RGU came up, I couldn’t resist applying!  

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living?
I started teaching myself how to make silver jewellery during the pandemic and I’ve wondered what it would be like to travel around the world and sell jewellery at different markets/exhibitions – so maybe something to do with that? 

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire?
I have always loved Stonehaven; so much so, I ended up moving there! 

Best holiday you’ve had and why?
As a student, just before graduation, I went to Croatia with the rest of my year group (approx. 30 of us) and it was an absolute blast. Croatia is such a beautiful place and the locals were very friendly and accommodating.   

Favourite TV show?
It’s a tie between Fleabag by Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Upright by Tim Minchin. 

Favourite band/music?
I have quite an eclectic taste in music but my usual go-to would be Indie/Rock bands like Queens of the Stone Age and Royal Blood. 

If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?
Can’t go wrong with pizza. That still leaves me with lots of options! 

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do?
Have the students teach the lecturers for a day so they know what it’s like!