Continuing our series of interviews with members of RGU staff, some of whom (like Kevin here) are relatively new to the university, others have been here for some time. However, one thing that distinguishes them all is that they all enjoy the work environment and find there are lots of other things to do in their spare time, whether it’s amateur dramatics or motorcycling!

Name: Kevin Newstead

Job Title: Project Manager  Department: IT

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
Location and the opportunity to experience an academic environment.

Describe working at RGU in three words.
Relaxed, friendly, professional.

Tell us something that has surprised you about working at RGU.
Size of campus & facilities available.

Describe living in North East of Scotland in three words.
Scenery, people, culture.

What are your favourite leisure/non-work activities and how well are they catered for in and around Aberdeen?
Motorcycling, Amateur Dramatics – both well catered for.

What is your favourite place to go out for a meal in the North East and why? Porterhouse restaurant, Thanestone.  Great staff and unbeatable carvery!

What would you say to anyone who is contemplating a move to RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
What are you waiting for?