This is another in our series of blog articles in which RGU staff tell us their experience of life and work at the university and in north-east Scotland.  This time it’s Angela Kydd, Clinical Professor in our much-respected Nursing Department.  She’s a fan of seafood (unsurprisingly we’re quite good at that in Aberdeen), walking and jogging and, oh, let her tell you…

Name: Angela Kydd    

Job Title: Clinical Professor in Nursing Department:

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
The post, the reputation and the area

Describe working at RGU in three words.
Friendly, helpful, attention to staff and student experience

Tell us something that has surprised you about working at RGU.
The fantastic campus

Describe living in North East of Scotland in three words.  (Or if you are not from the local area, what are the biggest differences between where you previously lived and NE Scotland?).
Stunning, vibrant, great shops

What are your favourite leisure/non-work activities and how well are they catered for in and around Aberdeen?
Walking, jogging and eating – all well catered for. I love the Deeside walk

What is your favourite place to go out for a meal in the North East and why?
The Silver Darling – fabulous fish restaurant (Ed’s note – “Silver Darlings” is the name NE fishermen gave to herring – and the restaurant is fabulous!) 

What would you say to anyone who is contemplating a move to RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
The place is young, aspiring and has plenty of career opportunities.