Martina Rooney

Another in our series of 60 second interviews… 
Today’s member of staff is a lecturer in an area which RGU  is very strong (and, coincidentally, an area where we are currently, at time of writing [closing date 1st August 2021] recruiting).  However, what you really want to find out is what would Martina do if she was in charge of the university for one day.  We think it’s fair to say that she has some really interesting ideas…

Name: Dr Martina Rooney

Job Title: Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics  

What does your job at RGU involve?  
I have just joined the Nutrition and Dietetics team at the School of Health Sciences where I lecture on the MDiet programme, an integrated masters which is the first of its kind in Scotland. At present, we are busy developing and delivering innovative, evidence-based teaching to the next generation of dietetic students in order to provide them with the skills needed to excel in the workforce, whether in the NHS, industry, academia or other sectors. I am also involved in promoting the MDiet programme and our activities on social media to encourage prospective students to interact with and learn more about us. Finally, I have research interests in B vitamins and vascular health and hope to further develop this at RGU.  

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?  
The strong student-focused ethos of the school is immediately evident. The team are always thinking about what is best for the student and how to help them develop to be the best they can be and delivering the highest standard of education in an innovative and immersive manner. As the Dietetics team is looking to expand this is an exciting time to be involved in a new and exciting venture and this this was a big draw for me. The team are also a wonderful group of Registered Dietitians who bring a variety of expertise from a range of educational, clinical, research and leadership backgrounds. We all bring something different to make a dynamic, interactive, inspiring, cohesive teaching team.  

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living?
Travel blogger or hiking guide.   

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire? 
The Munros.   

Best holiday you’ve had and why? 
Too many to pick one, but I love Morocco, Spain, Germany, Dallas, Mexico.  

Favourite TV show?
Don’t have one.  

Favourite band/music?
Post Malone.  

 If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?  
Margarita pizza with chilli’s. Nom.  

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do?  
The possibilities are endless… introduce and encourage walking meetings, weather permitting. I would also like each school to organise a conference to show-case their expertise, provide students with an opportunity to hone their research and presentation skills to add to their CV. This could also be a fantastic opportunity for students, lecturers and researchers to network with other experts in the field from across Scotland and could also be incorporated with a mini-jobs fair for students.