Garthdee Campus

Garthdee Campus

Although normal life is temporarily suspended, we are aware that many people are looking for a break from being at home all day, even if it’s just a couple of minutes to read something online.  Also, we all want to think about what normal life was like and be given a glimpse of what it will be like again. So, to that end, we’re continuing to run some interviews with members of staff at RGU.  These are not edited in any way and reflect what they think of the university and their work there.

Name: Prisca Coull.  

Department: Student Life.  

Job title: Student Counsellor.  

Describe RGU in three words?

What do you like most about living and working in Aberdeen?
Easy commute around the city. 

What is your favourite place to go for a meal or a drink?
Cosmo, Soul Bar.

What leisure facilities in and around the city do you make most use of?
Sports Village, David Lloyd.

What is your favourite trip out of town – where in the surrounding countryside do you most enjoy spending a couple of hours away from work?

What would you say to anyone – at any level – thinking about coming to work at RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
Easy commute around the city, Friendly community.