Katherine Jones

We suspect that some may think we hand-pick the staff who appear in our blog pages, selecting only those who will say nice things about us.  That’s certainly not the case as they have all volunteered to tell us about their life and work – although we are pleased to say that (so far!) every one of them has said nice things too!  Meet Katherine Jones, Lecturer in Event Managements…

Katherine JonesName: Katherine Jones 

Department: School of Creative & Cultural Business 

Job title: Lecturer in Event Managements 

Describe RGU in three words?

What do you like most about living and working in Aberdeen?
Being part of a thriving City and having the countryside
and hills of the North/North East so close to play in! 

What is your favourite place to go for a meal or a drink?
Rendezvous at

What is your favourite trip out of town – where in the surrounding countryside do you most enjoy spending a couple of hours away from work?
Aboyne or Ballater 

What would you say to anyone – at any level – thinking about coming to work at RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
If you are looking for a place to realise your potential and thrive, look no further! 

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us?
In my free time I ski instruct and coach both on snow (when we have!) and on the dry ski slope (as you can see in the pic – Ed).