city table

As reported in Energy Voice and elsewhere, Aberdeen and Inverness “are ranked top in Scotland, and among the top 10 locations overall in league tables of the best cities to live and work in the UK.”

The UK-wide index (Demos-PwC Good Growth for Cities) studied 42 cities and ranks them based on 11 indicators of socio-economic growth.  In the UK table, Aberdeen leapfrogged Edinburgh into sixth place, while the Scottish table, shown below, indicates just how successful the Granite City has tableTable: Demos-PwC Good Growth for Cities Index

The Energy Voice report also tells us that, “PwC says Aberdeen’s higher position in its index this year is down to improvements in health, work-life balance, housing affordability and income distribution, while it is the best performing city in the UK when measuring house prices relative to earnings.

If you are contemplating a move to NE Scotland, hopefully because you’d like to work at RGU, then this ought to be reassuring.  We, naturally, think this is a great place to live and work and it’s great when independent research agrees with everything we’ve been telling you!

Julie Skinner, Resourcing and Benefits Specialist