As this has been published two days after Christmas, we trust you are all in recovery mode and gently digesting your Christmas lunch as you contemplate what to do next.  For many, it’s a time to take stock and wonder whether a career move should be on the ‘to do’ lists for 2019.  That, of course, is up to you, but in the meantime, here is someone who has made a career move to RGU and very much enjoys it.

Name: Siobhan Cowan
Job Title: Contracts Manager  
Department: Commercial Operations Support

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
I was looking for a new challenge and this came at the right time.  RGU is innovative, modern and in touch with industry.

Describe working at RGU in three words.

Tell us something that has surprised you about working at RGU.
The people are friendly and have made me feel very welcome. The campus itself is modern in a scenic setting.

Describe living in North East of Scotland in three words.
Spectacular wildlife, beautiful scenery, and sandy beaches.

What are your favourite leisure/non-work activities and how well are they catered for in and around Aberdeen?
I enjoy swimming twice a week with my daughter at the local swimming pool and try to fit in a fitness class at the weekend at a local leisure centre. Taking the family pet, Olly, a working Cocker, on long walks in an around Aberdeen/shire with my two teenage children and husband is a weekly occurrence.

Watching my son play for under 18’s Granite City team is a favourite past time and we have the International rugby games in Edinburgh in November to look forward to. Meeting up with family and friends, going to the theatre and concerts on a regular basis is good for the soul too.

What is your favourite place to go out for a meal in the North East and why?
I love Italian food and Indian food so it would have to be joint favourites’ Rustico and Shahbaaz Tandoori but I really am not fussy and will pretty much eat most food.

What would you say to anyone who is contemplating a move to RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
Do it – you will never look back.  The staff are all very supportive and very welcoming.