Continuing our series of interesting, sometimes fascinating, sometimes rather unusual, facts about Aberdeen and North-East Scotland.

  1. As Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce and others will tell you, RGU is the best Scottish university for graduate prospects, with a 96.7% employability rate. If that doesn’t give you confidence in coming to work here then we don’t know what will!
  1. If you like flowers then you’ll love Aberdeen. The city has won “Britain in Bloom” a record 10 times and, as we’ve written about before we have some amazing parks dotted around the city.oats-8946_640
  1. Oats, as shown here, are very popular around North-East Scotland. In fact, our farmers grow enough oats every year to make, wait for it, over 700 million bowls of porridge.
  1. If you are worried about the Scottish weather then be reassured. Aberdeen is warmer on average than the rest of Scotland and, believe it or not, has less rain than Miami!
  1. We are quite a bright lot up here. Some 30% of the city’s workforce is educated to degree level, which is the sixth highest in the UK.

Julie Skinner, Resourcing & Benefit Specialist