Chris Robertson

Name: Chris Robertson

Job Title: Course Administrator Aberdeen Business School 

What does your job at RGU involve?
I look after the Post-Grad final project administration (Capstone) and the ABS Study Abroad programme. 

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
I have some friends that also work at RGU, and they are very happy in their jobs, I actually worked at RGU about 20 years ago, straight after I graduated from RGU! 

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living?
Something creative, either writing or commission painting Warhammer models (I’m a huge nerd). 

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire?
St Machar Bar in Old Aberdeen (now you’re talking – Ed – best bar in the city!).

Best holiday you’ve had and why?
Tough question, I love travelling. Probably New York City, hoping to get back there at some point this year. 

Favourite TV show? 
Really enjoying the new Star Trek show – Strange New Worlds 

Favourite band/music?
I have pretty wide tastes, but my favourite band are The Wildhearts (a nineties rock band that are still on the go). 

If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?
Sashimi sushi. 

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do? 
Free meatball subs from Subway!