
In which we find out just what an mKTP does, plus lots of others stuff…including Bethany’s desire to raid the stationery cupboard!

Name: Bethany Procter 

Job Title: mKTP Associate 

What does your job at RGU involve?  
Good question. I am employed as part of a 2-year management Knowledge Transfer Partnership project (mKTP). This involves working with the Aberdeen Business School to help assess and implement design thinking practices in an industrial asset management consultancy called Optimal, based here in Aberdeen. The objective is to leave a legacy of design thinking practices in Optimal’s processes. 

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
To be honest it was a kind of happy coincidence, I hadn’t even planned to move to Scotland, before I got this job.  

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living?
I did my degree, which I finished about finished nearly a year ago, in 3D design with a specialism in industrial product design. So if I wasn’t here, I would probably really enjoy working in the design field. A real passion for me, especially towards the end of my degree, was in technology and human relationships. So I would love to work in systems design or in the technology centric fields of industrial design. 

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire?
I’ll be honest I haven’t been in Aberdeen very long. I only moved here at the end of March and I hadn’t really be to Scotland before that! I really like the beach here, and I also love the view of the mountains from the top floor of library on a clear day. I’m looking forward to exploring a little bit further afield though. 

Best holiday you’ve had and why?
Lanzarote – Volcanoes. 

Favourite TV show? 
Varies from moment to moment – but one of my all-time favourites was Marvel’s Agents of Shield. 

Favourite band/music? 
Again, a lot of variation and subject to great change. But consistently I like alternative rock, epicore and indie rock genres.  

If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?
Most times that I have done this it is almost always dessert. Although if it is somewhere that has a breakfast menu, it will ALWAYS be breakfast. 

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do? 
Raid the stationery cupboard