Lynsey Christie

Now you may think that food is something that happens in supermarkets, but at RGU, we take it very seriously… as our latest 60 second interview demonstrates.

Name: Lynsey Christie  
Job Title: Lecturer in Food & Nutrition  

What does your job at RGU involve?
Teaching the Food, Nutrition and Human Health students. They cover a range of topics including biochemistry, physiology, dietary analysis, the impact of diet and disease, sports nutrition, and food product development. A lot of things that I have covered myself as a student, researcher and in industry. Currently I am working with our 3rd years to organise their 4th year work placements.  

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
I was already living in Aberdeen and working at ‘another’ university doing a similar role. When this role came up it sounded like a great opportunity to cover more of the topics I am specifically interested in relating to food science, nutrition & health. The facilities for the students also look great….from the pictures. Having not yet stepped foot on the RGU campus I am quite excited to get to see it all in person….at some point. 

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living? I’ve never really had a childhood (or adulthood) dream job. I think right now it would be something outdoors in the countryside, but still involving some aspect of teaching & learning….to whoever wants to learn. 

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire?
Anywhere with greenery and places to explore. Any of the local forest walks are a great escape, no matter the weather. My dog loves to play fetch and the more hidden the ball the more fun she has finding it, so forests are great for this.  

Best holiday you’ve had and why?
Probably Iceland. My husband and I went a few years ago (when you could fly directly from Aberdeen). It was so interesting with so many things to see and do. The people were lovely and we took lots of tours and learned so much.   

Favourite TV show?
Changes a lot. Right now it’s probably Hudson & Rex. I love a detective show that isn’t too gritty and I know it’ll work out. Plus it has a super detective dog.  

Favourite band/music?
Happy to listen to most music apart from maybe modern R&B & rap. I’m much happier with a musical soundtrack to be honest.  

If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?
Macaroni cheese please. 

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do?
Give everyone their birthday off each year.