Chris Pearson

The people interviewed for the RGUjobs blog do so willingly and, we are pleased to say, illustrate the wide range of jobs we have at the university.  Today’s interviewee is a very new appointment who only joined us in February this year.  Chris comes in as Director for the National Subsea Centre and Professor Paul Hagan, our Vice Principal for Research, commented: “The appointment of Chris as Director marks a significant milestone in the development of the National Subsea Centre.  He brings with him a wealth of experience in technology development for industry and will now work to strengthen the already very strong ties RGU has with industry to deliver world-class subsea research and development.”  Let’s find out a little bit more about him…

Chris PearsonName: Christopher Pearson  

Department: National Subsea Centre 

Job title: Director 

Describe RGU in three words?

What do you like most about living and working in Aberdeen?
Access to the hills or beach – just take the right clothing.

What is your favourite place to go for a meal or a drink?
Tough question as I like all cuisines but I do especially like seafood restaurants, such as Moonfish, Foodstory for vegetarian or Selera Bistro for Malaysian food. Generally I like to cook and I like to eat! 

What leisure facilities in and around the city do you make most use of?
Art Gallery, Theatre, Cinema and the beach.

Aberdeen beachWhat is your favourite trip out of town – where in the surrounding countryside do you most enjoy spending a couple of hours away from work?
The hills and the beach.  

What would you say to anyone – at any level – thinking about coming to work at RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
The environment allows you to grow, both at work and outside.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!?
Runner up in a national poetry competition, aged 7.