If you read our last interview with a member of staff here are RGU, you’ll know that we stressed the variety of background and experience there is here.  Today’s interviewee is no different, mixing procurement and the euphonium (presumably not at the same time!)

Name: Christopher Wyles 

Department: Financial Service – Procurement 

Job title: Procurement Administrator  

Describe RGU in three words?
Really rather lovely  (Ed’s note: probably the best description we’ve had to date!)

What do you like most about living and working in Aberdeen?
I’ve lived in Aberdeen for 13 years and am constantly amazed at how much there is to see and do, not only in the city but also in the surrounding countryside.   

What is your favourite place to go for a meal or a drink?
Café 52 for a meal, followed by a drink at Casc. 

What leisure facilities in and around the city do you make most use of? 
I live just across the river from Duthie Park and spend a lot of time there with my wife and children, which is very nice as it is where I got married. 

What is your favourite trip out of town – where in the surrounding countryside do you most enjoy spending a couple of hours away from work?
If we’re not at the park we’ll often take the children for a walk along the beach either in Aberdeen or Stonehaven. 

What would you say to anyone – at any level – thinking about coming to work at RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move? 
I would definitely recommend making the move to RGU. There is a real family feeling to the campus and everyone is so friendly and helpful. There’s also no shortage of coffee options which is a big plus! 

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!?
In my spare time I play euphonium with Bon-Accord Silver Band (see below)