We have written many times that RGU is a diverse community of staff and students, all striving to make this what it is – a fantastic university with excellent career opportunities for those who are prepared to take them.  We’ve interviewed all types of staff, but this, we think, is the first time we’ve heard from one of the most important people at the university – the men and women who keep the place clean and tidy!

Name: Graeme Burbridge
Department: Estates
Job title: Cleaner

Describe RGU in three words?
Fantastic opportunities await.

What do you like most about living and working in Aberdeen?
Locality, people and quality of life.

What is your favourite place to go for a meal or a drink?
At home with my wife.

What leisure facilities in and around the city do you make most use of?
The parks.

What is your favourite trip out of town – where in the surrounding countryside do you most enjoy spending a couple of hours away from work?
Taking the road south and make it happen

What would you say to anyone – at any level – thinking about coming to work at RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
Take it! The people, work place and environment is one of the best I have encountered in my 40 + years’ work experience!

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!?
Although I’ve worked in a mechanical/engineering environment, I prefer the open air working in my garden.