Name:          Megan Beaudry 
Job Title:      Digital Marketing Officer
Department: Marketing

How long have you worked at RGU?
I was hired on a 10 week contract last February, and one year later they still haven’t managed to get rid of me

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
Having just moved to Aberdeen from Canada, I had no previous knowledge about the University and did not know what to expect. During my interview I really hit it off with the Senior Marketing Manager, Kate Bullock, and immediately knew that this was a woman I wanted to learn from and have as a mentor in these early stages of my career. I accepted the job the next day

Describe working at RGU in three words?

Tell us something about your work that might surprise us?
Working at a university doesn’t mean your conversations will revolve around research and academia. Be prepared to meet lifelong friends who will bring colour and joy to your life…I know I have!

Describe living in NE Scotland in three words?
Coos (for the uninitiated, cows – Ed – not to be mistaken for ‘Doos,’ which are pigeons).

What are your favourite leisure/non-work activities and how well are they catered for in and around Aberdeen?
Travelling is my biggest passion, and Aberdeen is a great base to access the rest of Scotland. Just a couple hours’ drive in either direction brings you to a new place that’s ready to be explored.

What is your favourite place to go out for a meal in the NE and why?
When my partner isn’t dragging me into Nando’s for the millionth time, I insist on anything Mexican. I would die happy if my last meal was a quesadilla from Topolabamba.

What would you say to anyone who is contemplating a move to RGU and the NE of Scotland but who might be concerned that “it’s a long way from civilisation”?
I think I would ask this person what they want out of life. If they are looking to enrich their everyday with fantastic people, discover unrivalled countryside, and immerse themselves in everything great Scotland has to offer- Aberdeen is the place to be.