Continuing our series of blog articles in which a variety of people who work in different roles at RGU tell us what it’s like.  As we have said previously, we’re always going to say how good it is here, but these individuals have volunteered to tell us honestly what they think, including the windswept bits!  

Name:          Cursty Mackin

Job Title:      Commercial Officer

Department: Commercial Operations Support

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?
I’m a big advocate for both individuals and companies to continuously work on improving their knowledge and development, and since RGU do so much work with students and private companies I felt working here would be a good fit.

Describe working at RGU in three words.
Engaging, Supportive and Educational.

Tell us something that has surprised you about working at RGU.
Before joining RGU I hadn’t realised just how much work the university does beyond educating their students and providing training courses. There are so many research projects that they get involved in that are fascinating and often truly innovative.

Describe living in North East of Scotland in three words.  (Or if you are not from the local area, what are the biggest differences between where you previously lived and NE Scotland?) 


What are your favourite leisure/non-work activities and how well are they catered for in and around Aberdeen?

I recently walked up Bennachie for the first time, and since then I’ve been enjoying visiting various places outside of the city for walks – if you get the right weather the North East can be truly beautiful to explore.

What is your favourite place to go out for a meal in the North East and why?
It’s a tie between Granite Park or Yatai – both are local businesses with great food, ambiance and service.

What would you say to anyone who is contemplating a move to RGU to persuade them it’s the right career move?
I’ve never worked with such a great team before and everyone I’ve met seems to genuinely enjoy their job.

There’s always something happening on campus and staff are encouraged to get involved which helps to make you feel you’re part of something bigger.
Personally I’ve found it very refreshing in comparison to my previous work place, and I’d recommend RGU to anyone who is considering making their next career move.