This is the second part of our blog on how the RGU recruitment team uses Linkedin to promote our jobs and find candidates. Last time, we told you about our Linkedin page, where you can find details of all our jobs, however, we also noted that there are lots of people (the so-called ‘passive’ candidates) who, while happy enough in their current job, are more than willing to consider a great career opportunity when it’s presented to them.

If that’s you – or even if you think that might be you in a year’s time, then you need to be on Linkedin so we can find you. I noted in the last blog that the majority of people in and around Aberdeen are on the site, but if you’re not it’s easy to sign up and create a profile. Although some people think Linkedin is just for ‘professional’ workers, that’s not the case: there are lots of academics, administrators, mechanics, janitors and others with similar jobs there.

Screen Shot 2016-08-10 at 09.54.55As a matter of course, it’s easier for us to find you if you’re either Linkedin with me and/or following the RGU page (there are already 8,500 followers – see the link above), but even if you’re not, we can find you through Linkedin anyway. We can then contact you with details of any relevant vacancy and, if you’re interested, it may be your first step on the way to a great new job at our university.

Social media, such as Linkedin (and also our Facebook and Twitter pages), make our job as recruiters – and your position as a potential candidate – far easier. In the past, we had to spend a lot of public money advertising in the press (literally hundreds of thousands of pounds every year): now we can both reduce our costs and increase efficiency. For candidates, the benefits are immense too: you can simply follow us or Link in and we’ll get back to you if there are any relevant jobs. In the next blog, I’ll look at some other ways in which we make it easy for you to find jobs at RGU – so if you are actively seeking a new challenge then bookmark this page!

Julie Skinner, Resourcing & Benefit Specialist
Link in with me at: Julie Skinner