In our health-conscious times, ‘wellbeing’ is very important to many people. Our lovely campus here at RGU, with its semi-rural setting on the outskirts of Aberdeen is a great place for keeping fit. As well as our own, superbly equipped sports centre there are lots of other ways to stay healthy. It’s a common sight to see students and staff jogging/running at lunchtime, either down on the riverside tracks or through the leafy campus. The more adventurous ones can even take a car down to Aberdeen beach (incidentally, if you don’t know it, a very fine, very long stretch of sand) and run along the boulevard, which is a splendid way to spend half an hour on a sunny day. You might be lucky enough to spot a dolphin or two and you can even stop for an ice cream if you’re not taking it too seriously!

RGU_Student_Union_offices,_RGU_Sport_Building,_The_Robert_Gordon_UniversityHowever, we know that it’s not always practical to take time away from the working day, so we would like to reassure you that Aberdeen has a multiplicity of sports clubs and centres. No matter where you live in or around the city, there’s almost certain to be somewhere near at hand where you can pump iron, run, cycle and cross-train your way to (even greater) fitness. Here, with the usual caveat that we are not recommending any one place specifically (and with apologies to any we’ve missed – in which case get in touch and we’ll include you), here are some links to the places you need.












Julie Skinner, Resourcing & Benefit Specialist

Email: j.skinner@rgu.ac.uk