Well, we’re nearly at the end of another year. It’s been a very busy one for us at RGU’s recruitment team. There were 159 jobs advertised in the last 12 months, with all that implies by way of writing the adverts, placing them in the appropriate media, handling the response, organising interviews, sending out letters, offering people jobs, onboarding and all the paraphernalia of recruitment.

Over the last few months of 2015 and the early period of 2016, we’re working on a new application system (more properly an Applicant Tracking System or ATS for short) which will work in tandem with increased advertising presence on the award-winning myjobscotland job-board. Although there are no jobs from RGU posted there are present, keep an eye on this page in the near(ish) future: https://www.myjobscotland.gov.uk/education

Using myjobscotland will help reduce our costs considerably (recruitment advertising can be very expensive!) and will also, we trust, help get an even wider range of more diverse candidates. At present, the councils, other universities and colleges using myjobscotland fill about 95% of the jobs they advertise via the site.

We shall, of course, still be advertising on other websites throughout 2016, including, naturally, our own (http://www.rgu.ac.uk/about/jobs) and via our Twitter and Facebook pages.

The university will be closed from 12 noon on the 24th of December and reopens on Tuesday the 5th of January,  after which we look forward to seeing lots of you applying for jobs in the new year. In the meantime…



A very Happy Christmas

from us all

at RGUjobsblog!