You sent off your application a few weeks ago and since then you’ve had the nervous wait that all candidates experience. Then comes the happy moment when the email/letter drops in your inbox – you’ve been invited to an interview!

At RGU, we appreciate that for many people a job interview can be stressful. We also understand that there is a degree of formality attached to the process. Our standard letter reads, “We refer to your recent employment application and would like to invite you to an interview for the position of …”.  However, we would ask you to remember that we want to meet someone who will clearly demonstrate that he/she is the outstanding candidate for the job. And, to echo a well-known advertising slogan, “it could be you!”

Your interview letter will contain all the necessary information you need. We’ll tell you where, when and with whom you’ll be meeting. We ask you to confirm your attendance (by phone or email) and also that you are who you say you are – so you’ll need to bring your passport and, if necessary, any Visa you have. Originals, and copies, of any relevant qualifications are also required.

In order to make sure we assess everyone fairly, for most posts (but not all, as we shall explain in our next blog) RGU uses behavioural interview techniques. If you’ve never heard of this, don’t worry; all it means is that we ask you to demonstrate/explain to us how you meet the “person” requirements of the job – in other words how you as a person/personality match what we’re seeking. The key word here is ‘demonstrate’. Anyone can tell us they are good communicator. But if you can provide examples of situations where you have demonstrated good communication skills, that evidence is far more compelling. It’s important that we employ a wide range of people who bring in new, fresh and diverse talent that adds to and at the same time complements our existing teams.

Finally in this first part of our blog on interviewing at RGU, you’ll be glad to hear that we also give you details of any reasonable travelling expenses you might claim. Please note though: these are only paid to those travelling from 30 miles or further from Aberdeen.

The second part of this blog will give you some further important information about our general interviewing principles. If you are about to attend an interview we wish you luck and if you do have any questions about our processes and procedures, please do let us know in advance.