Women standing by loch with mountains

Name:  Faye-Marie Adams

Job Title: Governance and Quality Administrator

What does your job at RGU involve?

I work behind the scenes supporting the Governance and Academic Quality (GAQ) department.  GAQ has a wide remit, and my role is mostly focused on two areas: Quality Events and Committees.

That is, for my role, GAQ support Schools/Departments when they have new courses to launch; the ongoing monitoring of quality of courses/programmes through a series of Quality Events; and providing support for various committees which monitor and manage the business operations.

What attracted you to come to work at RGU?

Many years ago, I started my career in a qualifications accreditation centre and since then have worked in the fields of training and HR.  In those roles I have been involved in various aspects of work quality management, implementing Lean working ideas, streamlining administration processes, and using quality management tools. I finally realised I wanted to focus specifically on this for my primary role.

I recently completed a Research Skills college course involving a review of the 4-day working week project and was interested in how quality management, ‘get it right first time’ and streamlining of work tasks was vital for success in reducing worker weekly hours for organisations involved in the recent UK trial.

I have previously enjoyed working at the University over 20 years ago and became aware of the recent reduction in support staff working hours.  With my work experience, and enthusiasm for issues relevant to the University, I felt this role in supporting quality and business operations was perfect for using and develop my interests further.

If you weren’t doing this job, what, in an ideal world, would you like to do for a living?

An artist, painting on the warm Mediterranean coast

What’s your favourite place in Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire?

Ooooh, too many across Aberdeenshire and Moray to list. If it didn’t keep reminding me how unfit I was, it would be hard to beat a day walking up Bennachie.

Best holiday you’ve had and why?

I liked my childhood holidays where there was no realisation of the workload involved and everything was a glorious joy.  A fond memory is discovering a large all-year-round Christmas store in Bavaria, Germany in the middle of July when I never knew such a thing was possible, a magical moment.

Favourite TV show?

When my daughter is home we will watch the competition shows for baking, interior design or sewing and share opinions (as if we were experts!) on the show produce. We also become inspired to be crafty and get involved together in projects.  Now she is older, joint time and activities together are special.

If you’re going to a restaurant and could only have one thing to eat (one course), what would it be?

Macaroni Cheese

If you were in charge of the university for one day, what’s the first thing you would do?

Run away and find occupational health – managing the University is a huge, complicated undertaking with so many competing priorities. I’d much rather be offered the day to contribute in smaller, more practical ways – working in the gardens or with the building contractors doing DIY!