Working from home with dog

In the past, we’ve run lots of interviews with RGU staff telling us what it’s like working for the university.   However, we’ve been working from home for quite some time now and lots of things about how we work have changed.  With that in mind, we thought we’d ask some of our colleagues how they are finding WFH, what’s good, what’s bad and what they miss (if anything!) about working in the office.  Starting today, with Emily…

Name: Emily Baird 

Department: Academic Administration in ABS (Timetable Coordinator) 

How long have you been working at RGU? Almost 7 months. 

What do you enjoy best about working for RGU?
The vibe is brilliant and it’s close to home (25 minute walk each way).

Working from home 

  • What’s the best thing about working from home?
    Spending more time with my dogs, and sleeping better.
  • And the worst?
    Missing the team I work with, they’re just brilliant.
  • And the most surprising?
    Not arguing with my husband! Not even once.

The office 

  • What do you miss most about the office?
    My colleagues.
  • And what do you miss least?
    The actual office, the ventilation is awful.
  • Would you like to be able to continue working from home, at least partly, once the crisis is over?
    I’d like to, maybe a 50-50, 60-40 (both ways) or 30-70 (both ways).

Outside work – as a result of lockdown 

  • What did you miss most being able to do?
    Go camping and paddle boarding.
  • And what did you miss least having to do?
    Getting up very early to have the dogs walked before work (my dogs are not morning dogs!).

The future 

  • What is the first place you are (realistically) going to go when all restrictions on travel are lifted?
    The river to paddle board and somewhere secret to go camping (with some whiskey!).
  • If money was no object, what would you buy yourself to make your life easier/better/more fun if we had to be in lockdown again in the future?
    A hot tub.