Name: Kwadjo Konadu Job Title: Demonstrator (School of Health Sciences) What does your job at RGU involve?I work in a supporting role to assist the module coordinator and lecturers, who deliver andRead More…
When you wish upon a star…
Walt Disney is famous for many things. Mickey Mouse, obviously, not to mention the Scottish Disney Terrier “it disnae chase rats, disnae come when it’s called and disnae do a thing IRead More…
From Dundee to Courchevel in France
Name: Ian Lowe Job Title: Head of Sport What attracted you to come to work at RGU? I was attracted to working at RGU due to the institution’s commitment to wellbeing forRead More…
Nae doubts, Mrs Doubtfire was a quine
It’s several decades since the film Mrs Doubtfire was a hit across the world. Yet at the time, I wonder how many people realised that the lady upon whom it wasRead More…
Winter Gardens to Volcanoes
Name: Callum Stuart (Cal) Job Title: Lecturer in School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice What does your job at RGU involve?Pastoral supportLecturing- exchanging information with students using a plethora of methodsTeachingRead More…
German U-Boat, sunk in the North-Sea by its toilet
Cruden Bay lies some 25 miles north of Aberdeen. Just 12 miles offshore, lies the remains of U-1206, a German U-boat, sunk towards the end of the Second World War. AlthoughRead More…
Mountains to Seas, highlight for me!
Name: Dr Will Ball Job Title: Chancellor’s Fellow What does your job at RGU involve? I’m a population health researcher, focused on health inequalities research that can be translated into policy. I’mRead More…
The Stars’ Star from North-East Scotland
One of the things that people sometimes say to us when they are debating about coming to live in north-east Scotland and work at RGU is that they don’t know much aboutRead More…
From Pittodrie to the Colosseum
Name: Ewan Cruickshank Job Title: Lecturer What does your job at RGU involve? Teaching students at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level, supervising project students and conducting research. What attracted you toRead More…
The curious, underground, beehive-like chamber below Aberdeen’s streets…
As the map below shows, the centre of Aberdeen in the nineteenth century was very different from what it is today. A clue to the past came in the edition of theRead More…